Thursday, November 15, 2012


We're in Holbrook, AZ in the northeastern corner, still travelling on Rt 40.  The weather has gotten warmer; in the 70's yesterday afternoon.  We took the 70 mile loop through the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest National Park.  It was a nice day for a leisurely drive through the park.

Tiponi Point in Painted Desert

Blue Mesa in Petrified Forest

At the one overlook, we stopped and got out and these two ravens came and acted like we weren't even there.  I was able to sit down within about two feet of the one before he decided that I was too close and he took off.

Today, we drove to Canyon De Chelly National Monument, 125 miles to our north.  Well, Keith actually drove and he made some remark about driving my butt across the country so what's another 250 miles (but he was smiling when he said it).  Afterward, we both agreed that it was worth the drive.

Tsegi Overlook

White House Overlook (ancient pueblos built in canyon wall and on ground)
Sliding House Overlook

Spider Rock is an 800 ft. sandstone spire

This was the first time that I've used my father's binoculars.  I was amazed at how good they are; they allowed me to see clearly to the 1000 ft canyon floor.

Tomorrow, we move on to Williams and the Grand Canyon.  Since it's about the same elevation as here, we're expecting similar cool weather.  The news is reporting temps in the 80's for the next week in the Phoenix and Salome areas.  We're both anxious to get there, settle down and enjoy the heat.

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