Thursday, November 8, 2012


We pulled into the Amarillo Ranch RV Park on Wednesday afternoon.  After driving for five hours, Keith still agreed to drive another half hour to take us to Palo Duro Canyon.  This immense and wildly colorful canyon is 1000 ft deep and exposes geological formations more than 250 million years old, revealing colorful strata of red clay stone, white gypsum and yellow mudstone as well as layers of limestone and sandstone.  There are a number of these rock wall formations called Spanish skirts. 
Palo Duro Canyon State Park

'Spanish Skirt' rock formation

And while I don't do any of the driving, being the passenger can also be tiring sometimes.  I had planned to make dinner and relax for the evening because we will be on the road again for another five hours tomorrow.  But, when we got back from the canyon around 6 pm, I suggested that we try the local restaurant that the campground staff had suggested called "The Big Western Steak Ranch."  It's one of those places that promotes a free dinner if you can eat their 72oz. steak dinner in an hour or less.  (If you fail, you have to pay $72 for the dinner...ouch!)  We took advantage of their other promotion where they send a limo to pick you up and take you back afterward...this one's FREE!

Dining Room decorated for Christmas

Our limo complete with longhorn hood ornament

It was a full day but I love seeing and doing something new every day.

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