Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Three hundred thirty miles west of Little Rock on I40 is Oklahoma City, OK.  As we were travelling west, the winds were blowing northeast; not good for the gas mileage (we were getting 3 to 4 miles per gallon less than normal).  We decided to spend two nights in OC to have a day to tour the area a little.

Tuesday morning we walked through the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum that takes you through the story of April 19, 1995, and the days that followed the bombing of Oklahoma City's Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. 168 people were killed in the bombing and aftermath.  Very moving.

Chairs for the dead sit on a knoll beyond the reflection pool

Bronze and glass chairs with the names of the dead
Later, we drove south of town to the Oklahoma National Stockyards.  As we were looking for it, Keith said that we just needed to look for train yard.  When we got train yard...only trucks.  There really wasn't much to see; a lot of animal pens.  But, a friendly lady at the Stockyard Assn next door suggested that we could 'go out back, across the catwalk, and into the auction arena' since there was a live auction going on.  We did and it was fun to watch.  We could barely discern what the auctioneer was saying, and you could not tell who was bidding??



We had lunch at the local Cattlemen's Steakhouse.  This restaurant was opened in 1910, making it the city's oldest continuously operating restaurant, as well as a cultural icon.

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