Friday, November 28, 2014


Yes, we're back in Georgia but we were beginning to wonder if we'd ever get out of PA last month.  Twice, we sedated poor Calvin and hit the turnpike only to have to turn around at the Lebanon exit because of truck engine issues.  The third time was a charm and we got to Cordele GA just in time for the SAM Shortline's Thomas the Train event's first weekend.   The director told us afterward that this was their second best year, selling over 10,000 tickets for the five-day event. 

With all the drama around leaving home this year, I have to say that we had a very good summer...with just a few hiccups.

The first 'not so much fun' event was on April 22.  We were watching TV and had heard that a storm was coming.  All of a sudden I noticed the trees swaying in the wind.  No sooner had I told Keith to look out the window when a tree came crashing through the ceiling.  Luckily, only about six feet of it came through because there was about 15' still attached outside.  Thanks to the maintenance crew at Sun Valley who came the next morning with a chainsaw, we were able to remove the tree and cover the hole till the insurance agent checked it.  It's been repaired and looks like new.  It could have been so much worse.

Keith spear-headed the building of an RC (radio-controlled) race track at our campground.  He designed it, the park provided the site and materials, and he and his friend Bill, built it.  It's been such a success, the park has decided to expand it for next summer.  He's looking forward to that.

Keith and Bill at work??
Father's Day weekend, Shawn, Kristi Drake and Robby stayed in one of the cabins at the campground.  They tried their luck at fishing in the pond and then Grandpa introduced the boys to "Washers." 
Robby checking out the worm

Drake, the fisherman

In the Hole!

The end of June, I went to Cedar Run Inn at the PA Grand Canyon for a few days with my BFFs Gwen and Mare.  I have wanted to see this area for years and even though the weather wasn't the best, we had a great time.  Loved the inn; would love to go back with my bicycle because the bike trail goes right by the inn.  

Pennsylvania's Grand Canyon

Cedar Run Inn - feeding hundreds of Hummingbirds

The bike trail

The campground held it's annual 'water wars' weekend in July, and our little group of neighbors really got into it.  As I was retreating after throwing a round of water-filled balloons, I tripped and landed hard on my elbow.  Three hours later, I'm at the Urgent Care center getting X-rays.  It's a broken radial cap at my elbow and bruised ribs.  The good news is that they didn't have to cast it and it healed pretty quickly.  The ribs took a little longer.

At the end of August, just as I was feeling good again, I broke out with a case of Shingles in my head.  Ironically, I had just gotten the Shingles vaccine six weeks earlier.  We had plans to spend the second week of September with Dan and Kim in Ocean City MD.  Luckily, I had a mild case (a benefit of the vaccine).  The rash and pain cleared up within a week, and we had we had a good time.  We even got Keith on the beach!

Relaxing in the shade

Competition on the Boardwalk

We ended the month visiting cousins Rod and Ellen in Maine.  They took us along with Tony & Donna and Joe & Sue to Vermont's Jay Peak Ski Resort where their daughter's family has a condo.  It was the perfect time of year for 'leaf peeking.'  We spent a beautiful warm and sunny afternoon in Sherbrooke, Quebec.  The downtown area has huge murals painted on the sides of buildings.  The biggest adventure of the day was trying to find a place to eat lunch and then deciding what to eat since every sign and menu in the town was in French.
Ellen was once again the perfect tour guide.  On the way back to Maine, we stopped at the Cabot cheese outlet where we could sample at least two dozen different flavors.  Who knew there were that many?   Then, on to Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory Tour in Waterbury.  It was interesting and, oh my, another sample!  Our final stop was to view Quechee Gorge and to walk through the Simon Pearce glassware showroom and see the glassblowers at work in the original workshop.  It's an amazing craft to watch; what precision!  We had such a good time!  Did I mention 'fresh lobsters'???
On the tram to the top of Jay Peak

On the top of Jay Peak

View of  colorful foliage

One of the amazing murals in Sherbrooke
Keith imitating the man in mural

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