Thursday, April 4, 2013


The first Saturday in March, we went along with Rod and Ellen to Yuma. We dropped the guys off at the annual Yuma Car Show, and Ellen and I went in to Algodones Mexico to pick up some medications at the famous Purple Pharmacy, and to shop for some things for their new home. 

Rod & Ellen at Lutes Casino Restaurant in Yuma

YES, Rod and Ellen bought a home here in Salome. It's a hacienda-style home on a private road next to our resort. They plan to sell their motorhome and they'll fly back and forth to Maine. We'll miss having them for travelling companions; Ellen is the best trip planner. 

Rod and Ellen's new home
They just had time to settle and buy some furniture before getting ready to head back to Maine.

Last week, I drove in to Scottsdale to see my PA friend (turned AZ resident) Carol.   She took me to one of her favorite consignment shops, to the Hospice thrift shop where she volunteers, and then to a 'bead' supply store.  I can always find a few more beads that I need to have.  We had an awesome lunch at a Mexican restaurant where we sampled three of their specialty dishes.  Yum!

Prickly Pear & Peppers, Crab & Mango and Corn Cake Souffle' with a Mole Sauce

We had more rain this winter than last, and while I prefer sunny days, it's amazing how green the desert has gotten.  It looks like the desert floor is covered with grass, and the flowers and cactus are blooming more every day.   On the last Monday in March, we took a quad ride to see the flowers, and were surprised to see a desert turtle AND a snake (a little one thank goodness). 

Wednesday was full moon and we threw together a last minute 'wiener roast' at Picnic Point, about five miles from the park at the top of a mountain.  We didn't head out till around five and got back at eight so we had a great view of the sunset before the full moon started rising.  Riding the desert trails in the dark was a whole new experience!!  I was a little apprehensive but it was cool to see the headlights of about twelve quads weaving their way down the mountain.

Wiener Roast at Picnic Point
The month ended with Easter dinner outside our trailer with Rod and Ellen, and Terry and Jan Crown.  Terry and Jan were our 'next door' neighbors for the winter.  Terry is a Master Wood Carver and Jan is one of the best 'bead' instructors at the park.  They have two cute little Dachshunds, Dudley and Tucker that they rescued a few years ago.  They are full-timers also, spending their summers near Cascade, Idaho.

We're heading out on Tuesday, so I've begun securing everything inside the trailer, and Keith is double checking all of the mechanics outside and on the truck.  It's 2400 miles to Bowmansville and we don't want any 'surprises' along the way.

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